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Green with sari silk inserts
35,00 €
Description- a 3D felting created using a circular resist and wet felting merino wool. This item can be used as a stand alone object or using a waterproof container (jar) fresh or dried flowers can be added to create a beautiful display.
The circular resist used is of two cirlces, one slightly smaller than the other, then connected in the middle area. This shape allows for one wet felted circle to sit inside the other creating a double liner. On the inside liner were added scraps of sari silk and wet felted into the 'aubergine' colour. Cut outs were then created in the green wet felted area so as to show the sari silk. Once turned inside in the silk can be seen.
Green and Aubergine merino wool, wet felted. Sari silk scraps felted into the wool to add detail.
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